Saturday, June 20, 2009

Old vs. New

Many followers of YHWH (God) have a misconception that the Old Covenant, the Torah, has absolutely nothing to do with a modern believer of Christ. This is not the most accurate. When the covenant changed from the old to the new in the scripture, it was not to get rid of the old values or principles, but rather to build upon those principles to make living up to that standard more attainable since it had been proven that man's ability to do it alone was not significant enough. In other words, we were too weak in ourselves to live up to God's standard on our own. Therefore, He sent is son, Yeshua (Jesus) as a sacrifice for us so that we could be appoved of the standard through Him.

What this means in terms of practical living from the Bible is that, though we are not under the curse of the Law, it is still God's standard and we should still strive for the same level of holiness that He expects. He is willing to forgive us for our shortcomings if we confess and repent, but our desire should still be towards His holiness. If something was an abomination to God back then, it is still an abomination to Him now, but he now is willing to forgive us for it if we strive to overcome it through the faith in His son. If something was pleasing to God back then, it is still pleasing to Him now, and we should seek to do that which is pleasing to Him even if we fall short of it in our attempt.


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