Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Prophetic Word 12/29/09

Be prepared says the Lord! Time is drawing near. I will return sooner than you expect. My Word shall not come back void to me, and time is approaching exceedingly quickly that it shall come to pass and be proven true. Thus saith the Lord. You shall be judged by the Lord quickly, and the earth shall be judged accordingly. Heathens do not wish to listen, and shall be casted away. Believe me says the Lord. My Word shall be fulfilled! Fret not if your heart is not hardened and you harken to my voice. If you repent, be saved, I shall forgive all of your sins. The kingdom is NOW! Be ready! Be ready says the Lord! Be prepared!

Please know that I am not playing. The Lord shall not be soft, but shall come with violence. Pain and power will be displayed. Anguish will be. I want you saved. But people will not listen, they will not harken unto me! Destruction then must be done. Time ticks quickly. Listen and live. Ignore and perish. Blessed is the LORD, holy is His way. Believe! Be saved! Believe! Time is coming soon, you will not be ready if comfort unprepares you. Be out of this world, but looking to the hills. The world's time is up soon, sooner than you think. Believe me and be saved, saith the Lord!

***taken under the umption of the Holy Spirit***

Believe the prophet, and you shall be saved. Believe the prophets and you shall be established! Believe now, time is short. Thus saith the Lord!

Trumpets are the sound of the emergency systems blaring simultaneously all over the world. Havoc will be incomprehensible. Be ready! The Lord says believe! and be ready!

Bless you. Let he who has ears hear!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eagle Vs. Snake

The "Eagle vs Snake" may be similar to a kung-fu match up of styles, and has probably been featured on a few old movies, but it is also a principle of Biblical truth. Have you noticed the similarities of those in God being compared to eagles, whereas the evil one is compared to a snake in the Word?

This is because as followers of YHWH, we are to be like eagles, drawing closer and closer to the father Heaven, rising above the matters of the earth and only swooping down for the basic necessities, such as food. In fact, something that is also ironic is that eagles can feed off of snakes. This makes me think of the scripture that the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous because when we are in an elevated state, we can always see the true benefits below us and go down to obtain it when needed without getting involved.

The only time the eagle comes in danger of the snake is when it starts to spend too much time on the ground, getting too involved in the earthly matters. It is then, when it's not at it's position of strength (in the air) that a snake could sneak up behind it and attack it.

Coincidentally, eagles are normally too smart to give up their position of strength to dwell on the ground, but how then is it that we humans, who are supposed to be superior in terms of intellect, keep staying on the ground in our areas of weakness instead of staying above it in our place of strength? May we learn a lesson from the eagle, and keep soaring above the earthly matters, lest we too become victims of the snake instead of the other way around.