Monday, May 9, 2011

Why Pay A Prophet???

The purpose of this blog is to address the concerns of prophets being paid for their ministry. Many people are very quick to condemn a prophet for requesting an offering or payment on behalf of the prophetic word, yet the practice of paying a prophet (or bringing a financial gift to a prophet when seeking his guidance) is completely Biblical in nature, and appropriate in it's context.

First, let's clear up that the Word of God is free!  Anyone can read the Word at any time, and no one should charge for exhibiting righteousness towards one another, towards encouraging one another, or towards sharing their heart/ministering two one another.  There is a difference, however, between this and someone operating in the vocation and/or an office of the ministry.  Any person operating in a ministry office / vocation, should still abide in the same principles of righteousness and love as anyone else, but it must also be understood that it is EXPECTED for the pastor, evangelist, etc., to go and live above and beyond that of everyone else because of his/her calling/vocation.

A pastor is expected to visit the sick at any time of day or night, go minister to shut in at any time of day or night, be there available to counsel during the week, run the church administratively, be constantly studying the word and constantly in prayer to be able to deliver the life changing messages to the congregation... day in and day out. This cannot be done, with the expected availability, without income coming from somewhere, and if the pastor has to spend all of his day at some secular job because the church is not supporting him, he just doesn't have the time and availability that is expected.

Now, just as there are very high demands expected for the pastor, there are just as many expected for the prophet. The prophet, in fact, is expected to spend more time in prayer than the pastor as he is the voice of correction and exhortation to the pastors, evangelists, etc., in addition to the individuals that also seek him.  The prophet is expected to be able to give PERSONALIZED divine revelation (thus saith the Lord) for anyone's individual need at any time (instead of preaching an all encompassing message to the entire congregation), which requires extended study, meditation, etc.

In other words, in order for a prophet to be as effective as possible, it takes full time work in spiritual study, prayer, and practice, which is greatly limited when also having to work a full time secular job which not only limits the spiritual growth and maintenance time available, but also contributes to tarnishing the purity of spirit that is required to be most effective as a prophet.

But what about the paying part? Where is the Biblical example?

Throughout the Bible, you will see that it was completely customary for kings, leaders, royalty, to approach the prophets with silver and gold.  In 2 Kings 5, Naaman came to Elisha with money to request his services.  In 2 Kings 4, the woman gave him a place to rest and gave to him her last pot of oil.  As a result they were greatly...

In Matthew 10:41, it states that if you receive a prophet because he is a prophet, you will receive a prophet's reward. (For example: Naaman had heard that there was a prophet in the land - Elisha - and because he accepted/received that Elisha was as prophet, he approached him in the proper protocol of bringing an offering)  It is also important to understand what the prophet's reward is...

The prophet's reward is the gift of prophecy to the person seeking the prophet!  Naaman's reward was the instruction to be healed, which was much more valuable than any price he could have paid. And think about how much more he would've been paying doctors to treat him without ever producing a TRUE healing.  It would've been a whole lot more than the gift he "offered" the prophet... and then Elisha rejected the gift.  The woman who blessed him with her last oil received an unlimited supply of new oil and the life of her son restored, two blessings that also are enormous in comparison to that small gift they paid.  And likewise, any gift you bring to the prophet for a prophetic word, though it may seem like a sacrifice, pales in comparison to the result of a prophetic word!

The prophetic word can change your life for the better! It can lead you to the very thing for the new job that the $50,000 in college didn't result in. It can lead you to the healing knowledge that will prevent a $100,000 surgery in the next year!  It can reveal your life purpose/career to you that will take care of you for the rest of your life!  It can prevent you from entering into a new agreement that would have left you impoverished!  The value of the prophetic Word, though it may not just put money in your pocket instantly, will save you exponential times the amount you gave, or open you up to gain exponential value if you take heed to the instruction.

Final thought:  "Christians" and others, are willing to invest tens of thousands of dollars in secular education often without the promised return on investment, willing to spend thousands of dollars on business opportunties, stocks, lottery, etc., with no promise of guarantee of results. Likewise, they are willing to spend hundreds of dollars secretly going to "psychics", going to secular counselors, and buying secular products, that either result in no major improvement, require continued maintenance, etc. Yet... so much money, time, and effort can be saved with ONE WORD from GOD through His PROPHETS, which can completely change everything.  This simply demonstrates more faith in man, which has proven to fall short, than in God, who has never failed... and God is not pleased with this.  In this season, learn to trust the prophets and to bless the prophets.  Coming to the prophet with a GIFT in hand, is the PROTOCOL of God, throughout the Bible, and carries the promise of God of reward.  He even supplies (multiplies) more seed to the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10), meaning that if you do sow, give money, into the work of God, God will keep increasing your money so that you keep giving more to His work, and the work of the prophet is His work.

Considering all of this, and the title of the post, you pay a prophet to two primary reasons... 1) It is the protocol of God established thoughout the Bible. 2) It is for YOUR benefit.

Bless you,

Prophet Kelvin N. Broadus
UGFE Ministries


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