Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Torch, Lamp, or Flashlight

Matthew 5:15-17 (New International Version) - Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

Luke 11:36 (New International Version) - Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of a lamp shines on you."

Every day that we walk in the presence of others, we have an opportunity to make a difference, and possibly "shed light" upon their understanding of the faith which we are committed.  Yet, too often we don't take full advantage of these opportunities.  When it comes to our faith, we MUST let it shine, for this is the only way that it shall be seen, known, and understood, and we usually fall into one of three categories: torches, lamps, and flashlights.
A person with flashlight faith is one who is strong and powerful, but only in a very limited scope.  This is often the person that you see at church who is praising his/her heart out and the very next hour is at the store cursing someone out.  This person is considered the hypocrite, because in the area that he or she is strong in, he/she will even bliind (attack) others for not having that same standard IN THAT AREA, forgetting about his/her own weaknesses in SO MANY other areas.  Even worse, this person can easily be turned off even in the area of strength.
A person with lamp faith is one who wants to fit in with everyone, while still being seen as a good, or spiritual, person.  They try to let their light shine, but keep it a little bit muffled; they want to be seen as "good," but not to the point of being "holy-rollers" or "holier-than-thou."  Because of this, they will often relax their standard, or go against their consciences, just a little bit... just enough to keep from offending those around them.  They want to be bright enough to be able to claim to have the best moralilty out of the group, but not so much that they no longer fit in.  There are varying shades of these types.
The person with torch faith is the one who, frankly, just doesn't care what anyone thinks.  This person is "SOLD OUT" for the Lord and doesn't care what anyone says or thinks about it.  This person doesn't have to worry about toning down his/her light because if anyone tries to put a shade over it, the shade will be destroyed by the heat.  When you hear the phrase, "on fire for God," you are witnessing someone with torch faith.  This is also the ultimate level that the Word teaches us we need to be at to be worth of Christ, that we should be willing to lose our life (what we know, love, and identify with) for the sake of God's will.
Though faith levels vary among people, we must always remember that we are all given a measure of faith.  Because of this, we all have the foundation to grow into what God desires.  We must remind ourselves of not only the promises, but also the costs and requirement of those promises.  If we are ashamed of Christ before man, He shall be ashamed of us before the Father, so with that understanding, let us let our light shine that much more!  Be not afraid of rejection by man, be afraid of the eternal rejection, and let our faith shine that much more.  So ask yourself, "Am I a flashlight, lamp, or a torch?"  If you haven't reached the latter, keep praising, reading, learning, and growing, for this is the standard God desires.  Bless you.
By the grace of God,
Kelvin "Besodeiah" Broadus, Prophet
Founder of UGFE Ministries