Full Vision
I just recently got some new glasses. I haven't worn any in years because all in all, my eyes aren't bad. I'm just a little nearsighted in my left eye. But nevertheless, I got new glasses to correct the nearsightedness. Considering this, God also showed me how too often we are nearsighted in our walk with Him.
Too often, we judge things based only upon what we can see with our natural eyes, so our vision (as in write the vision, make it plain) is severely limited due to being either too nearsighted or farsighted.
God is the glasses that bring the rest of the picture into focus. If you put on the glasses that He prescribed by reading and listening to His Word, praying and consulting Him before each and every move, and listening to His PROPHETS of whom He has given the vision to for your directing, then shall your path to your vision be established! So write the vision, make it plain, and make sure that it is seen clearly through the lenses that He has provided you!
Bless in in the name of the Lord!
P.S. If you need assistance with gaining the clarity in your life through God, contact the ministry at church@ugfe.org, and let us minister to you through the prophetic anointing of God. Bless you indeed!
Too often, we judge things based only upon what we can see with our natural eyes, so our vision (as in write the vision, make it plain) is severely limited due to being either too nearsighted or farsighted.
- Nearsighted Vision - This is when you limit the power of God to your lower level of expectation. You can only see your potential as so much, and are afraid to even consider doing greater than those things that you feel you could possibly accomplish considering your current place and resources.
- Farsighted Vision - This is where all you can see is the huge end result. All you can see is the big wealthy place, but cannot understand how you will get there. Though you see the gigantic vision, the closer steps are clouded.
God is the glasses that bring the rest of the picture into focus. If you put on the glasses that He prescribed by reading and listening to His Word, praying and consulting Him before each and every move, and listening to His PROPHETS of whom He has given the vision to for your directing, then shall your path to your vision be established! So write the vision, make it plain, and make sure that it is seen clearly through the lenses that He has provided you!
Bless in in the name of the Lord!
P.S. If you need assistance with gaining the clarity in your life through God, contact the ministry at church@ugfe.org, and let us minister to you through the prophetic anointing of God. Bless you indeed!
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